Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lillith!!!!! I found it!!!!

I found your new video. You try to hide it from me? I bet not. But I found it. Yuperies.

(I do reccomend in your future videos to sing louder because in all of your videos, I can barely even hear you)

2 c Lilliths video, click HERE!

- eden


Lilly Era said...

Why would i hide it from you???

I didn't know you were looking for it...

Its actually old...haha.

Yes, YES, I KNOW!!! I was actually singing quite loud but my computer cam is just dumb and it does that. I recommend you TURN YOUR SPEAKERS ALL THE WAY UP!!

Eden, Kelsey, Roselynn, Lindsay, Molly, Julia, Clara said...

Believe me lilith, I do, and, guess what? I'm writing a novel. When I come back to school, I'll give you a copy. I'm not completely done, but, if you promis not to give it to anyone else, even your parents, I'll give you the first chapter of it. I would give more of it to you, but, since were not the closest, you'll have to wait untill I publish it. Though, it you do prove your self worthy, I'll bring it to school and you can read it there. Your gonna love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you what its about because, you know, this is the web and people will copy it...

Eden, Kelsey, Roselynn, Lindsay, Molly, Julia, Clara said...

- Eden


Lilly Era said...

cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i promise!!! yeah, okay. well...EDEN!!What classes are you in!?!? what days!!??

Eden, Kelsey, Roselynn, Lindsay, Molly, Julia, Clara said...

I am in P.E.
Pre Algebra
Advanced musical theater

I don't know what days.
Thats why I'm getting a dry erase board.

